Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Getting down to business

Over the last month I have made lots of different changes or done things that I have been wanting to do.  I have applied different things to my life physically or spiritually.  I have made things or got rid of things that have been taking up space.  Here is one of the things that have been fun to do and have made life around our house a bit more fun or easier. 

OUR Chore Chart.  Our pastor that married Travis and I gave me this idea while we were in our pre-marital classes years ago.  He told me how he worked chores into a positive thing with his kids.  They chose a bunch of activities that need to be done all over the house and divided them so every one could pick an even amount.  SO we did that.  We sat down one day and talked about all the things that needed to be done and how to do them....we picked about 15 things so that would be about 5 things each per week.  Then we picked out of a hat who would choose first.  Once that person chose the 5 things that they wanted then the next person would chose 5 and the last would get the 5 left overs....it has worked out well so Far.  I am excited that the kids are doing the chores that they chose and I am not yelling at them to do things around the house.  Now it is a work in progress so we have eliminated some items and the one the gets to pick first gets the reward of less chores.  It was also interesting to see how the kids really enjoyed doing the chore and were asking others to clean up after themselves to make it easier on them or to not have to feel that they JUST CLEANED it....I thing all this have been a great lesson...let's hope we can keep it going through all the different changes in the year to come.

Here is the start of the board...decided to use the Magnetic board idea that Sheila my Stamping up friend showed me how to make with the calendar thing.  It was easy and done by the time the kids got home.  The Board is a great success to getting the house much cleaner than I could have ever gotten it.

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