Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Random Acts of kindness....My 38th Birthday Wish

I have always loved the thought of paying it forward or random acts of kindness.  I love the thankful thoughts and being grateful is something that my mom really instilled in me.  I have found the new site (well new to me) Pinterest http://pinterest.com/melocoyle/ and am so in love with it...I have always loved looking through magazines and books and getting ideas for projects or just things I love.  I have a big book full of fun ideas to do with my kids, things I love and places I want to go....and now I have that at my finger tips with Pinterest.  So very cool.

 I found this really cool pin ( that is what they call all the items on the site) that really got me thinking,  So my 38th birthday coming up....I decided to follow suit....I love what this one gal did on her blog for her 38th birthday.... http://mixmingleglow.com/blog/?p=1358  I am going to do 38 random acts of kindness...so watch out.  She did hers in one day on her birthday but with my birthday around Thanksgiving....I won't see many people and I will be out in the Sand dunes in Glamis SO I decided to do one a day for the next 38 days....till the day of my 38th birthday.  She asked her friends and family to join her SO I will extend this invite to you.....celebrate a friend, buy a stranger coffee in the line behind you...whatever you wish just one thing for my birthday that would make you feel good and someone else better too.  I have sat down and made a list...and not sure what I want to start with...guess in 39 days or so *(since I will be in Glamis) we will find out.  Thanks and Happy birthday to me....let the Random acts of Kindness begin.

Monday, October 10, 2011

As a Child

As a child you don't realize what a charmed life you have....and then you grow up.   I tell my children every day that life is a blessing and I am glad that they are part of my blessing.  They are my inspirations, my loves ,my life....and this crazy journey would just not be the same with out them. 


It is funny.  I Started this blog to document my children's life in a different way.  I am a scrap booker and love documenting the story of my life.  That is why I called this blog The Journey through my crazy life.  BUT for me it has become more than that....It has become more of therapy.  A place to vent, to write my thoughts, to share and sometimes someone will read it and other times.....it is just for me.  My head is so full of stuff and I am glad that I have created this place to dump it all out.