Monday, September 20, 2010

Stop the maddness

So I am done trying to play catch up.  I am going back to my Creative Memories roots.....Start where you are.  Or as the Flylady says...Jump in where you are ...and go forward. So here it is September 2010.  I now have a nephew who is cute as a bug, my kids are growing up too fast. I am way busy all the time...with Teaching, mothering, PTAing, scrapping, you name it....I do it.  BUT that is what makes me happy.  I love being a Stay at home mom even though I never am home.  I love that my kids can count on me for anything and that my hubby loves me so much.  I go through times when I wish it was all different and but when it all boils down to it....I would not change a thing.  One important lesson I have learned over this trying year...Life is way to the ones that love you back, keep a smile on your face, life really is not worth crying over and always have fun.  I look around me and realize I do these things but some people I know don't.  I wish that they will find that, that happiness that I have that comes from within knowing I am a child of God and I have a place in heaven.  So here's to the rest of the 2010 year....May you have a fun filled fall season and blessings during the holidays

The New year 2010

January started slow and steady just like most years....We celebrated the close of 2009 and the beginning of 2010 in Glamis, CA.  Camping has been a fun way to start the new year...and we loved doing it again this year.  It really is exciting to see the stars and smell the campfires in the air.  This time around I went to tuck Ethan in bed before 12 ( he was riding all day and pooped out) So I tucked him in and laid down for what I figured to be a few seconds.......well I missed it.  I slept right through it....and NO ONE woke me up.  I was sad that I did not bring in the new year with a kiss and a loud Happy New the next night I had them do it again.  They were funny....and humored me a bit....I will make sure I am up next year...