Thursday, September 15, 2011

Being a parent is...

Wonderful, brilliant, fun, exciting, painful, hard, disappointing, frustrating, amazing, calming, irritating, the worst, the best and the only thing I want to be. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Life is too Short

All my life I have known GOD has a plan.  And for a long time I have known, my plan is not always GOD's Plan.  Sometimes you go through life and it makes sense.  Other times it is completely mind blowing and so not what we can understand.  In my life now there are things that work and make sense and that has completely been answered the way I would want him to answer.  Then there is also the many things in life that I say why?.....In my experience sometimes as life moves on these things that happen in your life, God reveals why it happened the way it did and then there are times like today....where He does something that makes you cry so hard and shake your head and make you wonder what His plan could be.  GOD...." For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  We He takes some to be with him so early in our lives we have to know that He needed them more.  Help us all to remember that....and know that one day we can be with that person again.  Thanks for the happy bright light you shown on earth for a while....Heather you will be missed, friend.
Thanks Heather.....See you later

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9-11-11 (ten years later)

 When I woke up this morning it was like any other Sunday.  E quietly playing the Wii and M still sleeping.  Ten years ago today I was awakened by a phone was T and he said to me "I am not coming home anytime soon.  Turn the TV on and you will see why."  I turned it on and saw what he meant.  I was pregnant and I held my belly and prayed.  I was glued to the TV the rest of they day...week and the weeks after.  It was an all consuming activity.  My neighbor and I talked on the phone while we watched.  Then one day a few weeks after I got up, turned it off and began a different path of life.  I was going to be bringing a child into this world.  I needed to focus on creating a positive home and world for my sweet child.  I would never forget that day or the lives that were lost.  The people that were hurting...but I knew that I would one day have to tell my child about what I was doing on that day....and I wanted to say I stood up next to my fellow American and I was not pushed down.  I am glad today to say that the images that glued me to the TV have stayed with me.  I have become an American with a purpose to show my children that even a world in which GOD has created sometime bad and unforgettable things happen.  BUT we can chose to go forward and remember and honor those fellow Americans.  So Ten years later I remember.  I pray for my President and the Men and women who risk their lives each day to create a nation where we have the freedom to Speak, pray and most of all BELIEVE in GOD. 
My son held the flag in their school celebration
Ten years later - watching the coverage

Let the madness begin.....2011-2012 school starts

There are many things that fill my brain but right now...the file folders are far more full than the lazy days of summer.  With school back in full swing there comes homework, lunches to be made, personal yearbooks to create and volunteering to be done.  You would be amazed at how tired everyone gets...kind of like a long day at the beach, in the hot sun with no water to drink.  This year is not any different than any year...while most moms are glad to be back at school ( well have their kids back because they get to workout and get things done) I am glad to have the routine.  I could leave the lunch making and homework at the door....The kids seem to like school for the most part.  M more than E.  He is much like me and would rather do his own thing.  They at least look happy on the first day of school.......
It is hard to believe that M is in 5th and E is in 3rd.  I am excited and sad all at once.  I know this will be a great year for them....great teachers and great kids in the class usually help that.  And it is sure going to go fast.  The madness has started but as Becky Higgins says cultivate a good life....I plan to Cultivate a good year as I record this amazing year in my PL book.  I plan to really see each moment and praise God for the miracles he gave to me to take care of and love.

DId the summer really fly by?

It sure did and I am sad that it has come to an end...I did not get to do some things I wanted (like work on my blog) but we did so much and really pictures are worth a thousand words...SO here it goes
Biking by the beach
Cool Summer days 
CJ turns 1
Alone time with my boy

Celebrating 16 years
Alone time with my girl
E turns 8
8th bday celebration