Monday, September 21, 2009

American Kids

"We are proud to be Americans where at least we know we're free, and we won't forget the men who died that gave that right to us. We will gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today...'cuz there ain't know doubt we love this Land...GOD bless the USA"
It is hard to believe that it has been 8 years since that day. I know that it changed the way I lived my life. How I changed my daily routine. I know that each day I am more blessed to live in a place where I can worship freely and love the Lord my God that created this world and I also know that I am glad that I can one day be with Him in Heaven. My prayer is that my children learn the same comfort from God as I have in this uncertain world we live in.

There is suppose to be a picture of my cute American kids but it will not link on to the blog right now...SO imagine my two cuties in red white and blue

Thursday, September 10, 2009

First day of Third Grade

First day and Recess with her brother. Found them together playing....

What a great morning for my sweet little girl. She was so excited. She woke up early, got dressed and ready fast. Ate her breakfast and was ready to go. She was patient with her Brother as he was crying. She tried to let him know how much fun school was going to be. She was good to him. When we got to school. We walked over to her class and she lined up. She was ready. She knew her brother was needing me more and that once he was fine I would stand with her in her line in the morning. So she kissed me and said "See you after school " . I am so proud of her. She is going to be a great 3rd grader. It is hard to believe. I am just happy she loves school and does so well. Here's to a great year.

First day of First grade

Tears on the first day
All Smiles after school came so fast. It was just yesterday I was bringing him home. It was hot and he was tiny and sweet. It is still hot and he is still sweet but he is no longer tiny. He is growing so fast. This was an emotional day for both of us. It meant no more hanging with Mommie and reading stories, doing errands and play dates with friends. It meant getting up early and going off to school. It was hard when M went off to school. She was more independent thought so we did not cry as much in the morning....just cried at night when we got home 'cuz she was so tired. I know he will love school when he gets there but HOW DO I GET HIM THERE?

He woke up and really cried hard, saying I don't want to be away from you. He fought me when I got him dressed ( now mind you I don't dress him anymore...he is a big boy and needs no help from mom) BUT this day he was a I dressed him...carried him down stairs, fed him and dragged him to the car. Thankfully my sweet M was ready to meet her teacher and saw how E needed me. She knew it would help and so she said goodbye and kissed me and said ..."See you after school" He finally stopped crying long enough to smile a bit when he saw his friends and finally walked into class with me, holding me with all his might. I had tears in my eyes. I did not want my baby to hurt so much and miss me...because I was going to miss him too. He has been my shadow ....going everywhere with me for 5 years....I prayed as I stood there that the pain he was feeling would go away and he would know I was not far. That he would feel safe. I was glad he had a class full of familiar faces and that he had a teacher that already knew him and that he knew too. He finally let go of my hand and smiled at me. I whispered I love you baby. And he smiled , closed his eyes, hugged me and whispered back in my ear....I love you more. I knew he would be fine........and so the last pictures tells ....He likes it. BUT not sure if he wants to go back...but he will if he has to....

Vegas get away - as a family

A family get away is always nice. I am glad we can do it. Camping, or a trip to Disneyland is usually what we do. BUT this time we decided to go to Red Rock Resort in Vegas. We had a family package with bowling, Movies, and kids club included. We ate yummy pancakes in the morning. We swam all day and slept in big comfy beds. We did not want to go home 'cuz it meant back to reality and to the last few days of summer and the start of the new school year. I loved our summer. It truly was a fun and special year. Good times with friends and lots of fun days in the sun.

Fresh Picking

Fresh food picked by us....Now that is how I liked to spend our last day of summer vacation....we picked strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes, Bell peppers and boy oh boy was it good. We had fun driving out along the beautiful 126 to the 23. The Farm was quite and still. You could almost hear the growing...and of course the squealing of the kids as they picked and ate. One for me, one for the basket. It reminds me of one of my favorite children's books Blueberries for Sal that I use to read to my Kinders. I have got to find that book and read it to my kids.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The days run into each other.

It is funny how the days run into each other. Get up at the break of dawn ( Twilight referance), breakfast, play, go here, go there, lunch, play some more, maybe go more, dinner, bed. I love it. It is never boring. I think that is what makes life good. Always changing, never the same. I also think that is why I became a teacher before I was a mother. Suprises that come up and changes that you have to deal with. It is never the same. That is what the good life is made of.

Monday, July 27, 2009

My Baby is 6

WOW he is six. It is hard to say out loud. He seems like he should still be 1. The years go by and I watch him grow. He amazes me with his brilliant brain and imagination. He makes me smile when he says Mama. I love that he loves me so and wants me with him. I am sad to see him grow up but it makes me smile to know he is such a nice boy and love others so. I tell my children often that I am so lucky that God blessed me to watch over them as they grow on earth....and the other day E said.... I am glad God gave you to me to have here on earth. I am a million times lucky to have a sweet, loving little boy who will grow up to be a wonderful thoughtful man.

One of my favorite places

One of my favorite places is Balboa Island. I love the air the fresh air. The water and the quaint little houses ( well they use to be quaint, Now they are huge) ...most of them There are still a few hidden treasures. I have fond memories of the place and now my children do too. It will alway bring a smile to my face. Here are just a few pictures because a picture is worth 1000 words.

Monday, July 13, 2009

First time away

First time away in 8 years. We have been home with the kids going over to the Grandparents for a night. Movies, Dinner and sleeping through the night with no early wake up. BUT this was getting out of town, away away for more than one night. To celebrate our 14 years of marriage we took off to Vegas. We had a wonderful drive out there. Spent time at the pool. Had a huge 650 sq foot room. Eat at Wolfgang Puck's resturant and a delicious Chinese Resturant called Woo's. Saw Penn and Teller and The Lion King. Drove the strip and had the most relaxing wonderful time a couple could ask for, all while their kids were being loved and cared for by both sets of grandparents. They had such a great time. They missed us and we missed them but it was so worth it. We asked ourselves "Why did we not do this sooner?" I am in love with my husband more. I am thankful for a wonderful and caring man that loves me back just for me. Thank you Lord for giving him to me.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I am sitting alone right now. Getting stuff done that really can't get done when M and E are here. They are with their grand parents. I love the peace that the "aloneness" brings me. I don't have to worry or think where or what are they doing. I know they are in good hands being loved and cared for. I also miss them terribly already. They are my world. I could not imagine life with out them. They make my life full and I thank God every day, that He gave them to me to take care of on this earth. I pray that as they grow they see how amazing and glorious God me and to them.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Summer Salads are the best. I far back as I can remember I have enjoyed a fruit salad in the summer. It is my ultmost favorite time of the year for that alone...I could live without the 120 degree heat. So once I had my own kids I started the summer tradition of getting all the good fruit of the season. Having wait too much to eat chopping it all up and making it into a salad. Anything goes too. From apples to peaches to watermelon to berries. The sweetness of summer makes me smile and it brings back the best memories of growing up. I hope too one day my kids will feel the same about a great summer salad.

A years worth of work

Now that I officially don't have any kindergarteners, I look back over the year and really say wow. It was fun this year to see all the things that M did and E did too. I have the most special ones that all Live oak Kindy kids do hanging in my office. It makes me smile. It seems like just moments ago I was looking at cute kindergarten face that were not my children. And now I have had two go through that most wonderful year, with the most wonderful loving teacher a mom could ask for. I am blessed to have had Mrs Peters teach both my children. She worked hard to help them learn to read. And they both did. E is my steady and slow reader still not sure of himself and M is my confident reader who is excited everytime she finishes a book and wants to know when we are going to go to the library next. Read makes for fun summer days.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A years worth of hard work

Every year I am excited to see all the things that have been accomplished by my sweet hearts. I started doing this when they went off to pre-school and I smile each year as the pile gets bigger and so do their little brains. I don't want to keep all the papers because there is just not enough space and when my own mother gave me my school papers Pre school to High school I was over whelmed with over 10 boxes of stuff....most of which I tossed. Some I did not even open and go through.

Here I just pile the papers and spread them out...lay them next to it and tada.....a years worth of work...captured for a lifetime....and then recycle bin here we come. M had a hard time parting with the stuff and even took some to her room. I kept a selection of things in one folder. BUT the rest bye bye

Summer time ahhhhs

Every day I wake up and day AHHHH...summer time. I love the days were I don't feel like a drill sargent mom. I wake up and sometime the kids are up and sometimes I get to see their angelic faces still in their beds....I don't feel the panic of OH NO need to wake them to get them ready for school. I just sigh and say SUMMER. We have had some amazing times these last few weeks. Fun with friends doing all kinds of things. We are looking forward to more.