Friday, June 17, 2011


I love to have great timing....I am not that good at it.  I seem to always be one step behind or a year a head of things.  Project life has taught me to not be behind or ahead...but to be in the right now.  Time is a funny thing.  I wake up each day thinking it is too early and next thing I know it is too late.  Summer is a time to catch up on things or as E's Karate instructor says Ketchup  hee hee.  Lazy days can be reviving and regenerating but really productive times help me to clean out and declutter and really refresh my life and my mind.  I sat down the other day and decided to really "ketchup" on my PL journal.   Timing is everything....I remember the things and reasons I took pictures.  I know what I wanted to say and why.  I have memories of the things that happened and before it is too late....I have them written down.  Thanks again Becky Higgins for inspiring me and refocusing me on the most important part of my life ....NOW